AI & Adult Social Care

From June to October 2024 we were commissioned to review and assess how AI was being used in Adult Social Care in the UK to provide The North West Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (NW ADASS) with the following resources:

  • A full report

  • A good practice guide

  • A specification for AI can help one of the most needed challenges

Full details of the project and all the resources are available on the NW ADASS website here and include all of the following assets.

  • A full report including challenges of embedding AI solutions

The Good Practice guide resources have been built to view and download, access below.

✅ AI and Adult Social Care Maturity Matrix

✅ AI and Adult Social Care Risk Register

✅ AI solutions list of technologies and bandwidth pricing

✅A list of questions to ask white-label solution providers

✅Case studies

✅Curated links for guidance on AI and the public sector

AI and Adult Social Care Maturity Matrix

This maturity matrix has been devised for Adult Social Care AI maturity in Councils in the United Kingdom.

This grid has been produced to enable people working in Adult Social Care help define where they sit against these key areas of AI maturity for Adult Social Care in the UK as a Council provider.

This aid can help them to determine interventions they may need next to help move their AI maturity forward for their team, organisation or Council.

The suggested approach is to download the full matrix and have a conversation with their team on where they are, where they need to be and what they need to do to get to the next level of maturity that they are aiming for.


AI and Adult Social Care Risk Register

This risk register matrix has been devised for NW ADASS to be used in monitoring risks in using AI in Adult Social Care in the United Kingdom.

This has been produced as a starting point to help define Adult Social Care risks in AI and Adult Social Care projects and to monitor and report against them.

This aid can help people working in Adult Social Care to determine the interventions they may need to mitigate risks and help them move forward with their projects.


AI solutions list of technologies and bandwidth pricing

In the Excel spreadsheet below there is a list of AI Solutions, AI Social Care Classifications and AI Social Care Opportunities with an allocation of 3 types of bandwidth cost. This list is not definitive. The solutions here are taken from the June to October 2024 report commissioned by NW ADASS.


A list of questions to ask white-label solutions providers

Keeping up with what tools to use for your organisation is becoming busier to navigate. This becomes more complex when you are choosing suppliers when you are not a specialist in AI and how that might be able to best support Adult Social Care.

Here are some questions to ask that may help minimise risk and help people working in Adult Social Care understand more details to make decisions in evaluating providers of white-label solutions for the public sector through the lens of AI and Adult Social Care.

This list is a starting point. As new technologies evolve, so will the tools and disciplines so we are encouraging practitoners to combine this with their own good knowledge to evolve this list of questions.

These questions are by no means comprehensive and the type of solutions and environments will all differ, but these headline questions will help to unpack the top-line issues and help to mitigate risks.


Case studies

A range of case studies in downloadable 7-minute briefing template format across a range of services in the UK using AI in Adult Social Care.


Curated links

Curated links of government and published guidance on AI and the public sector.

If we can help you with your strategic approach to AI please do contact us.


AI Wellness and Hospitality


AI and The Public Sector