Tech Art Impact

What is Tech, Art and Impact?
Tech Art Impact is our Social Impact Fund. Working with globally-leading artists, we create innovative projects involving artists and brands, using Web3 technologies to build communities, create brand awareness and bring much needed funding to causes that have societal impact.

Why use Web3 technologies?
Web3 technologies, such as creating NFTs and recording art on the blockchain, enables creators and artists to be rewarded beyond an initial sale of their work, whilst providing critical ongoing funding through smart contracts to societal causes as the interest in the art project grows.

What is Web3 philanthropy?

Our friends at Wikipedia define Web3 as the next iteration of the internet: incorporating decentralisation, blockchain technologies, token-based economies.

What we mean by Web3 Philanthropy is harnessing these new technologies to enable giving and receiving donations for causes and societal impact.

Here’s some layman terms and explanations and break it all down so that you: as an artist, organisation, brand, charity or donor can work through if its a great opportunity for you swiftly and comfortably.

Let’s Go:

Crypto Philanthropy and what Web3 means for non-profit organisations is a great podcast that unwraps some of the key principles.

How Web 3 changes philanthropy explains how people are using Web3 in philanthropy, its US focused and packed full of Web3 terms but gives an overview of opportunities, if you are new to this, don’t be foxed by the terms, we’ll start to break these down in our evolving Tech Art Impact communications.

How Web3 can democratise donations gives a few neat diagrams in how this works as well as an overview or DAOs – Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and how they can work for charities.

How to discover more

If you are an artist, brand, charity or have a cause that creates societal impact, and want to find out more how our service can help you: either to set up Web3 donations receipts for you, or to create managed projects that deliver funding initiatives, please do get in touch.

See more at Tech Art Impact

